Adverse economic and environmental impacts would result if genetically modified organisms were eliminated from farming. Technology has given our agricultural industry legs to grow, opportunities to be...
Keep your focus so you don't get pinned or pushed out of the ring. By Patti Hurtgen, Hoard's Dairyman Online Media Manager Wrestling can be a bit like dairy farming. Farmers must be scrappy to stay mobile...
Young farmers need opportunities to develop leadership skills. We all know that dairy farmers wear many hats. I spent the last several days wearing my leader hat. First, while finishing Phase III of the...
My daughter, Caitlin, decided to return to the farm after graduating with a degree in diversified agriculture to manage our herd health and reproduction programs
I'm not disagreeing with the findings of the study highlighted in the article "Minnesota's dairy sector at a crossroads," but I think they left a lot of important information out of the study
"Dairy provides one of the best returns on invested capital," said Doug Adams, president of the Prime Consulting Group. "Only produce, bakery and deli outshine dairy for those in the grocery business."
Outside perspectives can benefit your herd in many ways. We recently took my nephew Michael out to our family's dairy barn for the first time. At just under four months of age, Michael couldn't say what...
Record milk prices in 2014 spurred positive financial health. As a result, the average U.S. dairy farm saw its equity position grow to $2.21 million by the end of 2014, reported the USDA in its Agricultural...
It turns out that dairy owners may be seriously underestimating their employees. Those who believe workers simply show up and put in their hours, but have no interest in why they are trained to do things...
Americans do not consume enough of four primary nutrients. Dairy delivers three of those four dietary needs - calcium, potassium and vitamin D. The final version of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans...
Editorial: Dietary Guidelines Reaffirm Dairy Dairy products bring a host of healthy attributes to American diets. That is why the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, along with USDA, reconfirmed...
Not since the end of the USDA's Whole Herd Buyout Program has dairy cow culling surpassed that of their beef cow cousins. However, that is exactly what happened in 2015 as beef producers retained cows...
John Newton, Chief Economist, National Milk Producers Federation' style='border: none' /> USDA's Farm Service Agency recently released the Results of...
"Price recovery will likely come in 2016, but it still could be some way off," said Kevin Bellamy, a global dairy strategist with Rabobank, eluding that a milk price recovery could happen in the fourth...
The Holstein breed would look different without the influence of Roy Ormiston. As dairy producers, we can all appreciate the power of a single generation or a single cow to alter the course of genetic...
Dairy farmers might not think twice about when Easter falls on the calendar, but the timing is actually very important for dairy markets. "Easter comes early this year, on March 27," stated Mary Ledman,...
Minnesota's dairy sector at a crossroads. A reduction in overall milk production; nearly maxed out cheese plant capacity; and sluggish demand for soft products are among the factors that have conspired...
Goliath's dairy toll will last all year After the blizzard, Carlos Arias, who works at the Clovis, N.M., Municipal Airport, took this self-portrait standing on a snowdrift against one of the hangers -...
Sodium and sugar were added to the watch list. Cholesterol's impact on the diet was downgraded. And dairy held its position with a recommended three servings or the equivalent of three cups per day. Those...
Answer this quiz question . . . Does the United States export more corn or dairy products? Most people answering that question would pick corn. That answer would be an incorrect answer. "Last year 15,...